written by Jane Golub, Director In-Store Marketing Programs
May 8, 2016
Why Buy? So You Can Sip Blissfully – Caffeine-Free, Kosher
A juicy herbal infusion of orange peel, lemongrass, citrus herbs and licorice root.
The juiciest of oranges are wrangled into your cup by tangy hibiscus flowers twirling lassos of lemongrass – proving that wild oranges don’t need to be tamed, just understood.
Steep and begin a journey that spans continents and centuries on speed-of-sound steam trains. Sip the sun, rain and fog of the morning where these delicate botanicals were picked.
Explore lemongrass lawns, carpets of chamomile and the living history of your ancestors.
Taste with all your senses, but most of all with your imagination. Each cup is a story, unfolding with every sip. Steep yourself in knowledge at tazo.com.
Look for Starbucks Tazo Wild Sweet Orange Filter Bags in the Beverage aisle.