Ellie Wilson
June is National Dairy Month, and we have a lot of delicious and nutritious ways to celebrate with you all month long! As a registered dietitian-nutritionist, and a dairy lover, I am very sure dairy is the real deal – wholesome, versatile and a culinary champion used in an amazing variety of foods and recipes. To kick off this celebration, we have some great smoothie recipes to share! They are the perfect way to pack the benefits of Real Dairy into an easy-to-enjoy treat!
Fueling up with the full package of 13 nutrients milk adds to your glass is a great way to honor the hard work of the farmers that ensure it is available to you and your family every day. Those nutrients include calcium, phosphorous and B vitamins, which support bone strength and energy metabolism. Milk is a good source of high-quality protein, and contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and zinc. Together they help build immunity, support healing, and help grow and protect muscles. Traditional and Greek yogurt are made with live cultures and contain some probiotics, which improve gut health. So many benefits!
Greek yogurt is thick and creamy, its satisfying texture delivered by straining some of the liquid whey, resulting in higher protein content and lower lactose and calcium. You can use milk and Greek yogurt in your Real Dairy Smoothie, and change the recipe amounts to taste if you like!
We celebrate throughout National Dairy Month – add these ideas to your calendar and join in the fun all month long!
June 1 – World Milk Day – Lift your Glass!
June 4th – Cheese Day
June 7th – Choc Ice Cream Day
June 14th – Strawberry Shortcake Day
June 20th – Milkshake Day
June 20th – Ice Cream Soda Day
June 21 – Smoothie Day
June 25th – Strawberry Parfait Day – (could be a yogurt and strawberry parfait)
June 27th Ice Cream Cake Day