Written by our friends at the American Dairy Association
Milk goes from farm to grocery store in about 48 hours 365 days a year. Have you ever wondered how it is possible for this process to happen so quickly? Let’s talk about milk’s journey from cow to cup.
On the Farm
Dairy farmers like Kings Brother Dairy make sure milk is safe and nutritious every day and that process starts at the farm.
In the Barn
Cows need to be cared for to stay content and healthy – and produce great milk. Dairy farmers work 365 days a year making sure cows are comfortable, with the right food, water, bedding and veterinary care. Whether a farm is big or small, the cows and land are well cared for.
Tanker trucks pick milk up at the dairy farm – for some farms, this is multiple times each day. The milk is tested for safety and quality on the farm and again at the dairy processing plant to ensure every tanker truck of milk is safe and pure.
Milk Processing
Garelick is the processor that Price Chopper uses to provide strict quality controls at every step of processing to ensure freshness, purity and great taste. Human hands never touch the milk and strict temperature rules must be followed.
Once at the processing plant, milk is pasteurized, homogenized, and bottled or turned into cheese, yogurt or another delicious dairy product.
At Price Chopper and Market 32, we strive to keep milk fresh, cold and well stocked so you can bring it home to your family.
Whether you choose skim, whole milk or lactose-free milk, your milk comes from a good place, and you can feel good about the 13 essential nutrients it provides – as well as the care the farmer puts into the cows and planet.