home.grown. Tour 2020: Teammate Abby on Tour!
We’re rockin’ the support for local farmers & producers on our home.grown. tour! Our tour has brought us to local dairy farms, maple sugaring farms, chocolate artisans and more. We recently discovered one of our own teammates who’s on a home.grown. tour of her own: Abby S. in our Bennington VT store! Check out Abby’s story below.
Abby, Co-Manager, Bennington VT Price Chopper
A few years ago, I came across a Vermont Club called the 251 Club. It encourages people to visit all 251 towns in the State of Vermont. I have slowly, over the last few years, been visiting the towns whenever I find the time throughout the different seasons Vermont has to offer. So far, I have 122 towns complete and have photographed every town sign I’ve visited.

My goal was to not just drive through the towns, but to stop and get out and walk around. I have seen amazing landscapes, historical sites, little country stores, farms, and even the tiny, struggling, forgotten towns of Vermont. I have traveled many dirt roads and seen places I would have never seen without the club. I have skied the many peaks Vermont has and snowshoed many locations including The Notch in Stowe. I have walked around in the hometown of President Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States, and even explored old Marble quarries that don’t operate anymore.

In the Fall of 2019, I began day section hiking The Long Trail. The oldest long-distance hiking trail in the country. It’s 273 miles span the entire length of Vermont. So far, I am approximately 40 miles in and have never been so mentally and physically pushed in my life but full filled at the same time. I have seen some of the most beautiful but rugged landscape a road can never bring me to. Vermont is an amazing place I am lucky to call home. It has more to offer than meets the eye, you just need to get out and look for it!
How cool is Abby’s tour? We love it! If you’re interested in learning more about our home.grown. tour, check out https://www.pricechopper.com/homegrown-tour/.
Happy trails, from Abby and her Price Chopper & Market 32 team!