If you or someone you know has student loans, the announcement that payments will resume this month after a three-year grace period can be very stressful.
Fear not, Price Chopper and Market 32 have a way to help! You can chip away at student loans by using Rewards Points earned with your AdvantEdge Card. Yes, you read that correctly!
For every 100 AdvantEdge Rewards points you redeem for a student loan payment, it will deduct $1 from the student loan of you or a loved one. While it may not seem like much, these points applied to a student loan payment can add up sizably over time!
Take it from Corey Davis from Little Falls, NY… “I have student debt. I use points I’m already getting to apply towards loan payments, it’s very minimal effort and helps greatly in the long run!”
Want to learn more about this program? Visit our website!